OB Diagnostic Ultrasound 20211023 image 07OB Diagnostic Ultrasound

Now offering mobile and in house diagnostic services.

Please Call Us to Schedule (814) 503-8251.

Growing Joy Imaging, LLC. is proud to offer OB diagnostic ultrasounds geared towards those without insurance, midwife patients, and for those insured experiencing very high deductibles. Our costs are kept at a comfortable price, and you will enjoy your ultrasound in a more family-centered, patient-focused setting. Complimentary images are offered with each session. Our ultrasounds are read by certified Radiologists and reports are returned in a timely manner. 

2nd Trimester Fetal Anatomy with Fetal Measurement Screening $240

This is a Level 1 OB ultrasound which will include the baby’s heart, brain, spine, kidneys, bladder, cord, cord insertion, extremities, placenta location, and amniotic fluid volume. Measurements included are BPD (biparietal diameter) HC (head circumference) FL (femurlength), and AC (abdominal circumference).

Placenta Location $60

Localization of the site of the placenta, determining its lower edges - making the diagnosis of or exclusion of placenta previa.

Amniotic Fluid Volume Survey $60 

We will evaluate for polyhydramnios (too much) or oligohydramnios (too little) fluid.

Biophysical Profile $150

We will check for fetal movement, breath tones, flexion, heart rate and amniotic fluid volume.

Fetal Position $40 

We will perform closer to the end of the pregnancy to determine if baby is in the vertex position (head down).

Pregnancy Confirmation $100

(8-40 weeks)

We will perform measurements to confirm pregnancy in combination with the patient’s LMP (last menstrual period).